It hurts like the dickens to say goodbye to William, my Son-in-law. He leaves for Iraq, *again*, bright and early tomorrow morning. He is such an amazing man. I feel so blessed to have him in my life. He has a heart that is sooooo huge, that I don't know a single person who has met him who hasn't fallen immediately in love with him. I feel so sad for Jenny, Robyn and Evan for having to say goodbye, yet again, after having had this taste of a real family, all together, in Colorado for this past, not quite year. It's gonna hurt a lot to have him away from home. Katie came by on her way home from having just purchased a super new car, a 2004 Kia Optima. It's silver with leather interior, and gorgeous red cherry wood trim inside. It has a moon-sun roof and it is has a slew of bells and whistles.
 When Gordy went for a quick ride with Katie, Mike and I were talking and eating our pancakes (mmm - organic, so they must be good for you and not fattening, right?) and Mike mentioned that William leaves tomorrow, and he got so sad, with huge liquid eyes, saying that he will miss him, that it will be a long time before William comes back. I assured Mike that when he does, the family will rent an RV and drive west to visit. It helped some (even though Mikey insists that there is absolutely no way to rent an RV -- eh, details, shmetails). We sent the family some goodies before William heads out. There is a neat USB powered cooler for cans for Billiam to take with him, and Jenny now sports a watch that has 2 time zones (Iraq and Colorado time) and Robyn has a small jeweled filled globe, that shows her where her Dad is, and hopefully she imagines herself flying there in her dreams, and Evan? Well, the terradactyl is kidsafe, and it maybe he can hug it and think of his Dad. It's tough getting meaningful, but fun or safe, prezzies for 2+ year olds.
 I know that he will probably be stationed in Sadr City, methinks it is Camp Loyalty, but I couldn't find a match. We'll get his addy later. Please don't forget to sponsor him; give him some goodies via "Treats for Troops". There is a link on the nav-bar to the left. I will add his new address when I have it. Until then, save your shekels for care package for he and his buddies. I also finally explained to him about the sanctity of "Be Safe; Come Home Soon" phrase. I have used it as total and pure love for all my felines when I let them out, and now, when I leave, to ensure their safety, and to give them my heart while I'm gone. I think he gets it now. He's special people. ##