I have written here about my dear dear DEAR sister, confidante, shrink, creative, caring, loving, "girls just want to have fun" friend, Kim...well, here's a snap, finally, of Kim and Doug. I'm blessed to have them in my life, and they are very supportive and dear to me. We keep trying to have "game night" -- but so far, only once when Mom was still here. We played "Kings Cribbage" which was totally not fair since I can't wrap my mind around this new incarnation of cribbage. Hmmm, maybe I'll challenge them to "real" old fashioned cribbage, eh? I keep hoping they'll come over with pictionary. I used to love it on TV...or, trivial pursuit -- ah, on teams even? Hmmmm. But enough about that...meet these amazing friends:
 Doug and Kim [the only reason I have a snap of them, is because I am to bring this down to Mom. Kim also wants to come with us one day and visit with Mom. I told her about how "not pretty" it is there, and the changes Mom has gone through, but she cares big time, and wants to be with Mom. Amazing stuff methinks...]