The web is fun to surf...I started out reading my real live hard copy of the magazine of RollingStone [oooh this cover is a keeper], which had a contest to vote for Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert for best fake news reporting.
All but that most recent clips were voted on, and it's tied 2-2. I did my bit, I urge you to vote before it's too late, and it's good practice for absentee ballots or voting on Tuesday:
Every Vote Counts -- so add yours now, but please, y'all come back now for the rest of my post.. I watched all the clips they had links to, even those that were closed contests, but, yesiree-bob, I got to be a "decider" too on the last (aka the first clips you see on top of the column)..but while I was there, I wandered around...
I window shopped at a few sites, and ultimately, linked to: