Just a quickie link to Gordy's as he has a working computer and could put up snaps ASAP. I hope to add more of my perspective and snaps later on. I don't know how I managed to get through the haze o pain and rx, but I did, and managed 3 holiday events -- kewl. Today I slept a lot, and that was good, will prolly head back soonest for some zzzzzzzz's and hopefully body repair. This year we're started a new tradition, methinks, of waffle xmas chez here, and laundry <-- singing to herself, "we shall go a waffling a waffling..." [..unfortunately, singing is as close as I got, due to ER tummy alert, I had to abstain...dang! But I'm really good at getting off on other folks' happiness and yummy sighs...'twas a delight] It was awfully lonely without all of the usual suspects, such as Gerry, William, and Jenny, Evan and Mis Robyn -- bummer royale, but next year they will get first waffle helpings !!! Yippeee. Still on ER alert, but it's degraded in defcon level ... I wish all of you and yours a happy, healthy, laughter filled peace on earth holiday and new year.
 Silent Night(s) Before Christmas...Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel
In attendance to make it a lovely time were, Kim'n'Doug, Robby'n'Hannah, Katie'n'Mikey'n'Colby, with mini streaking appearances by Olivia and Zach! Chins up!!! ##