I think I wrote this before, but it's worth repeating since it's is really taking over a lot of my emotions and energy, but I am overwhelmed by lifestuff, and my words are really getting lost in a big way, and I either can't find them, or mush them together (sort of a new wrinkle to the "gilmos") or I dunno. A part of it can be because I still haven't got my CPAP and so I still am without any real restorative sleep yet, but it also can be because I have so much happening in my life right now, and I just can't seem to get a toe-hold on it, especially after the 2 weeks of "insulation" of sorts from the "real world", or it can be just the blues -- who knows? But it is weighing heavy on me. I do have a lot of good and not good things in my life right now, two sides of a coin if I were to tick off each item...go figure. One thing I want to start doing, and maybe today will be a real start v. a false start, is to display a photo du jour like Gordy does, but to start with, not nearly as organizes as he is . So here's a neat one to share. This is my amazing Mikey who, along with his Mom, Katie, sent me the most loving care package for the trip and plane ride. There was the mysterious letter too that said "Do Not Open Until On The Plane"!!! So I didn't, I even waited until we were airborn. It was amazing. There were a gazillion dinosaurs, aka "friends" ,and a map to find my way home [with Florida, just about where Gainesville is -- wow a potential map-maker extrodinaire -- Mike drew a band aid (Brilliant - Bravo)], and a valentine, and a photo of Mike, and well all those fine friends yet again! I should be glowing right? Well, at the moment, I am as I write this, but PDQ I end up blue and so very sad and tired again....but, the photo du jour is one of *MY GUY*, Michael Gordon Coale, when we met last week for dinner at Mike's Place and I shared some goodies from the "goody bag" I brought home, and one of 'em is this flutterby that he is balancing so gracefully on his nose:

Jenny phoned and we heard a very scary story about Billiam in Iraq. Bottom line he was a HERO, but even that is too close for comfort for me. Getting the details via multiple sources, it basically goes like this. There were a bunch of Soldiers in a room, could be where the munitions are stored...details on this is unclear. The plan is that the person returning whatever weapon used will empty it's chambers of any ammunition, and then there is some person who also is there to double check it. Seems pretty safe, yes? No! Friendly Fire? Humbug. What happened is that someone was holding the machine gun that was returned and empied, nose down (thank goodness) when it went offfofffofffofff [ratatatatataat] ammo into the ground. It was HUGELY LOUD and of course unsettling and throws everyone off their business and a lot of different things kick into place from training. William looked down and saw his friend on the ground bleeding pretty profusely, so he quickly got to him and made a tourniquet, probably saving his leg if not helping him from worse conditions of shock and bleeding out. He was the only one to get going and act. They took his friend away to wherever their hospital is in Iraq /Sadr City, and he was cared for. We're not sure yet how bad it was, whether he'll get to go home now, or patched up and put back out into the field. What is amazing is how William reacted despite the loud LOUD unexpected noises of the machine gun going off into the ground, then seeing his friend on the ground, and blood from the wound, the shrapnel that was embedded in his pal's leg, and not freezing, instead going into action, well, pretty brilliant, and, thank god /dess, he was not hurt!!! Phew!!! We love him and want him home sound and safe and soonest!!! Bravo Billiamdear! Good thing no one really reads my stuff, especially William . And just yesterday we found out that a dear friend, Bill Feeley (aka Felix) died of heart problams. [from the Whidbey Island Record]
Feeley, William Joseph (Bill) Monday, 12 Mar 2007 South Whidbey Record South Whidbey WA

William Joseph (Bill) Feeley of Langley, died quietly in his sleep March 12, 2007. Born January 23, 1935, in Philadelphia, Penn., Bill was a longtime resident of South Whidbey.A celebration of Bill’s life will be held at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, March 24, at the Deer Lagoon Grange Hall. In true Whidbey fashion, please bring a potluck dish to share, plus photos and memories. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to Hearts & Hammers or the charity of your choice. A full obituary will appear in a later edition of The Record.
He's the one who introduced Candi and Gordy - and butfor Bill doing this, there would be not amazing kids, whom I admire and love dearly, Robby, Katie and Jenny, nor the amazing wee ones who have stolen my heart, Evan, Mike or Robyn. He also was one of the few and consistent pals of Gordy's that immediately made me feel warm with welcoming hugs, never forgetting my name, etc. whether I saw him (with or without Gordy by my side) it be a choochokum or at TT (TestingTesting) or in the grocers, just anywhere! Always a hug and an infectious smile. Thank you Bill. I still keep, hanging among my special items and "charms" in my car, a woven head /hat band that has the Bolivian(?) version of the "10 commandments"; don't lie, don't steel, don't cheat [if memory serves...]. He also chased Eclipses and took photos. He was always on the move looking for some brillian feat of astronomy to experience. My tripod even went to Mozambique, I think, with him! Wow. Were that we could afford to send his "remains" up next launch into space, and just let him free among the other stars to shine down on us all... . What an empty spot in the universe it is to lose this very kind and dear man and warm friend. But that's not all. Just all for now. ##