Kim came over today and we worked on Mom and my taxes. It's amazing just how non-responsive some people are re: getting a statement of accounts. I hope that if I get it outta here and to Jane's, then maybe I can still get it done in time. I have gobs to do, letter to HLCC [they really did a borderline unethical thang that I want to address, and since I am bad with words, the written word may do the trick to convey my disappointment], letter to WSH [Mom has been very very depressed of late, and I wonder if it's the med change(s)], bills bills bills (pay), and, as ever, I need to still shovel out the room(s), and get me some rest and perchance sleep with the CPAP mask take II doing the trick. Arghhhh I have such trouble concentrating and remembering things and speaking. It's truly messing me up emotionally, tres frustration. I miss Miz Robyn, there is a definitive gap in the house. No noise, no extra special Robyn energy to fill the environment up with life. On the plus side, next week Mikey has spring break, so he's doing an over-nighter, and that's a good thing!!! My Aunt Joan phoned today, and it was wonderful to chat with her. She mentioned that Terri phoned Mom, and Mom was crying. Poor Mom. It's so nasty having her so far away. When I spoke to Marilyn yesterday, she said I need to go more slowly and give myself a break, and a chance to get better in a more realistically slow way. She also said that if I can't see Mom as soon as I want to, then to accept it. Truth be known, it will take a long while to get my body back in "shape", coupled with the much needed rest to be able to be truly alert and "there" for Mom. I'll try to keep telling myself this. I am so behind in "life" and it's tough to play catch up. I keep moving stuff around, and today I had a bad reaction -- I felt my back sieze up, twice, but it's still mobile [knock wood]. I also can't find the "sacral pad" to do that exercise. I need to really amp up the exercises, but I truly just want restorative sleep, methinks it would go a loooonnnng way to getting me healthy in mind and body. I'm still amazed at the fact that I do manage to recuperate. Uneffing believable. I'm truly still hopeful, and a Clear Passage believer. WOW. I thank the folks in FL for getting me to this point. I wrote them yesterday, and asked about the CTS and maybe tweaking my body at CP au California. I worked with a snap I took, I pushed and pulled it and just reworked it in Photoshop and so that will be the Photo of the day. It was fun to do the virtual darkroom thing. I think it's OK. Feedback is always welcome.
 Robyn with the "Bluebird of happiness" on her shoulder
Egads, GMG is almost married!!! A mere 24 days to go. I am leaning towards a reality check that the trip is prolly not a possibility, but I'm holding out before I give an answer in case I can go. A few more days to do body scans, and money /budget checking. There has been a helluva lot of cash out-going of late, so it's tight, really tight. Oh well, this seems like a quasi pity-party, but it isn't, it's just me trying to put things to "paper" to make it more manageable. It usually helps. So, ignore the copy, and just check out the photo, ok? Deal? ##