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Civilian casualties update
  Friday   April 13   2007       11: 07 PM

"Huff Puff" we're watching The 10th Kingdom" with Mikey. We're having a sleepover! It was slated for last night, but after our visit with Mom, and her crying her heart out, well, it drained both Gordy and myself, so when we hit home, we phoned Katie, and graciously she rescheduled for tonight. We just were too out of it to be fun for Mike. I'll write more later about Mom. But, for this post...

It's great being with Mike. The Coale's just make amazing kids - what can I say? We picked Mike up from Candi and Gary's and met Katie at Mike's Place to eat, and we had a good time. We were all on the same wave length about seeing "Wild Hogs", but by the time we got home, we (Gordy and I) were wasting away, so Mike agreed to watch The 10th Kingdom instead. It's a truly fun flick.

We set up his room, and made his bed, and in anticipation, Mike made special places for a "table" where we could put our grapes, and pillows to rest against Mom's bureau, and it was so sweet. We hunkered down, and watched a long while, but I started to get sleepy, so here I iz, upstairs, pills taken, and a sleeping one as well, so I can maybe get rest of the restorative kind so we can all be awake and up for a play day with Mike. What a honey he is - I adore him so much.

BTW, speaking of honeys...last night while feeding the catties, I found that Robyn left PaPa and me a note on the chalkboard near the cat dishes -- wow, she's a smart cookie and a love too. I couldn't ask for better grandkids.

Now, we need to meet Evan (again) and find out who he's becoming. What fun that will be, yes?

So, later a letter about the visit to Mom's, and I've lots more posts of interest and note to do, but I'm truly pooped. I haven't really shook it and managed to get any sleep yet with the CPAP. Slow and steady...
