It is just so hard to maintain a positive outlook regarding this country's future, and this "domino effect" that is impacting each piece of the hard fought for aka "controversial" rights and laws that were won with hard work so we, the people, could ALL be treated with respect and with privacy. I just read that the Supreme Court upheld a ban on an abortion procedure procedure? They are getting a toe-hold to cascade and collapse each person's right to make choices regarding their body. A medical procedure is, at a minimum, the FDA's balliwick. How did this docket come before the Justices I've no clue.

More slight of hand, and worse, the Supreme Court Justices had the gall to rule on this procedure, and make it a law issue. Huh? This continual push to take away an individual's rights, is demoralizing. These people have no shame. Bush took advantage of and capitalized on the recent tragedy, the 31 dead in VA Tech, by starting his speech [isn't it a psychotic who can't empathise?] by stating to the grieving, shocked people that [loosely paraphrashing that] 'we must not lose our "right to bear arms"'... what is this path we've found ourselves on? This is yet another blow to our rights. I don't know how the religious right /republicans /big business /monied moralists manage to continue to win all the time.
- How about taking away our right to free speech, and the right to "know" and access the "behind the close door" depositions of our leaders and their motivation and their chain of command, and where they are in the food chain, and who told them to act certain ways, and who did they tell.
- What about illegal wire tapping?
- How about imprisioning people without due process, and in places only a privileged few know about?
- What about our torturing people, and justifying it under a blanket of 9/11 or terrorism or..? Just when is torturing anyone acceptable?
- And to take a budget with surplus, and create a debt of horrific numbers.
Working to take our Social Security and Medicare from us, so that only the well off can plan on life after 65, since they can pay for their health out of pocket. And better still, they can take their surplus monies, and parlay it into more money. Not many people are able to do this, living from check to check, and /or know what to do to work our money.
- First the Prez' insane bait and switch to get us into an undeclared "war" aka conflict aka create /exacerbation of a civil war in Iraq, where we lose our boys and girls for some "secret handshake" with a "wink-wink /nudge-nudge" under the radar agenda.
- Within this is the VP's financial gains via Halburton as we know, but more bashing of the Dems at the cost of lives by Bush's ego and his very special twisting and destruction of words, yet again, regarding getting monies to our troops, or, better still, be a mensch, and get us the heck out of there before we hurt the Iraqi's any more; demoralizing them, fueling their pure hatred of Americans, and risking our young people's lives. That's our William over there. He needs to come home and spoiled and given a hero's parade. Instead 3 more months with what objective? And for those that have to come home wounded, they come back to rat infested, ill-equipped health care? And, the need for so many men and women to be treated emotionally -- the mind-body connection is so important, more and more we learn this.
The bandaids placed on problems, or worse, finger-pointing, and even the "dipping the duck" by repeating things long and loud enough through the media that it becomes "truth" simply deconstructs my country.So much damage in ~7 years. UNCLE! Uncle Sam? Methinks that my voice just isn't loud enough. One of my personal challenges is that I find it hard to be "listened to", taken seriously, aka "HEARD" by people closest to me, and those that are in a place of power. I have 3 amazing grand-children, innocents, that are counting on me to make the planet safe for them and secure enough for them to mold and manage for the challanges that will face them. Evan, Mike and Robyn, I'm sorry I've let the ball drop, and I will work harder to give you a good home, with our rights, on terra firma. ## PS I'm also just hearing that there were electric cars, running well, which GM literally destroyed, secretly, every single one of them, and they could, as they were leased not privately owned. Also in June '03, just into the Iraq War, during another "bait and switch", Bush all of a sudden got "ecology religion" by now pushing hydrogen fuel, instead of utilizing our existing, ecologically sound, option of working, 40 mpg at home, or anywhere there is the plug....oh my, oh so twisted. There is a documentary out there called "Who Killed the Electric Car". I gotta find it, watch it, learn from it. I'm so out of it, I didn't know that Reagan took the Solar Panels off of the White House, or that Carter had even put them on. That's just is just a teeny piece of the truth. Man oh Man it goes deep -- the Saudi's [Bush's pals] in OPEC simultaneously lowered the price of oil; hence the scare, the urgency goes away and out of our consciousness and our media. Oh this truly is painful, ain't it? "On March 15th 2005, the last EV1 was taken away and destroyed" - an electric car that worked, and worked well. Holy crap. [I am seeing a piece of the documentary on "Democracy Now" and dang, it was even attractive to boot!]

Click here to watch this show aired April 13th 2007