YAFT [Yet Another Ferry Threat]. I might as well create a new acronym, because I received more email about a bomt threat that evacuated a different ferry, Bremerton: Bomb Threat Evacuates Bremerton Ferry
POSTED: 2:21 pm PDT May 8, 2007 UPDATED: 5:21 pm PDT May 8, 2007 BREMERTON, Wash. -- Police evacuated the Walla Walla ferry at the Bremerton dock because of a reported bomb threat Tuesday afternoon.  Ferry officials said the threat was received via phone while the Walla Walla was on the way to Bremerton from Seattle. When it arrived, the passengers were offloaded and the state patrol investigated. Officials also conducted an investigation at Seattle's Colman dock. The ferry's Bremerton-to-Seattle run was stopped for several hours while police searched the boat and terminals. Nothing was found, and the run resumed around 4 p.m. The bomb threat was the second to a ferry this week. On Monday, the Spokane ferry was out of service for more than five hours while the state patrol and other agencies responded to a bomb threat note left in a men's restroom. 2 consecutive days of threats here... ##