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Civilian casualties update
  Saturday   May 19   2007       04: 00 PM

I've been "playing" phone tag with my Aunt Joan, and it's very frustrating.
Her most recent message said that her Mom wasn't doing well, she had a stroke! Damn.
Of course I'm sending positive energy back east, and hoping Grace [Joan's Mom] is getting some healing vibes, and is feeling no pain or frustration...loving people can be really tough -- no big secret, eh?

As always, I'd appreciate any prayers, energy, etc. you can send her way. Thank you, and I'll keep trying to catch up with Joan.

More health issues with Moms, since I heard from my dear friend, Jacqueline. She is not doing well either, but just today I received a note saying the MDs are pretty hopeful that she can come home soon. It will be tough on my sweet friend, but the other options would be pretty horrific, and so I hope that she will hire some help and not wear herself down caring for Mom.

From my perspective, I'd tell anyone to find a way to not be "the" caregiver, delegate that piece, and be a buddy instead, spend time with your loved one, eating, not working the medicine angle, or cleaning, or potty breaks, etc. This is a chance to have some warm memories and make a connection, strong if it's historically weak, or even stronger with nicer memories, and fun and laughs. Beg borrow or steal the money to get someone else to do the physical care. My .02 fer free.

Again, a request for love and light to my friends and family's health and good spirits. Thank you.