I just heard about the quake, a 6.8 magnitude. I signed up for a quake report from KIRO, and this is what they reported:
2nd Quake Rattles Japan's West Coast Radioactive Water Leaking After Japanese Quake POSTED: 7:54 pm PDT July 15, 2007 UPDATED: 10:32 am PDT July 16, 2007KASHIWAZAKI, Japan -- Japan's Meteorological Agency reported a 6.8 magnitude quake off the Japanese west coast, the second in the country Monday. There are reports from Japan that water containing radioactive material has leaked from a nuclear reactor following the earthquake. National broadcaster NHK, quoting the plant operators, said the water leaked from the plant into the sea of Japan. But the report said that the radioactivity level is low and poses no danger to the environment. The quake has destroyed hundreds of homes, collapsed seaside bridges, and caused hundreds of people to be injured. Police said eight people died. Most had been crushed when buildings collapsed on them. Bullet train service between northwest Japan and Tokyo was halted. Japanese officials said the initial quake registered at 6.8.

The Tsunami warning was removed [thank god /dess] but apparently it was on the heal of a pretty huge Typhoon, Man Yi, the largest one on record in July to hit Japan. Mother Earth is surely trying to shake is us humans either up or off after we have abused her so...it's past time to listen, but not too late ever!!!
 Former Home in Kashiwaaki City, Japan
My prayers, heart , healing light, and positive energy goes out to the people and critters and lifeforms all in Japan. Be well and stay safe, and as my Great Aunt Anna always said, "chins Up!".Peace ##