Today the kids came over to carry on a special tradition: "Gordy Bread"! Gordy and I had spent a day taking snaps of the process, and he was going to post the photos I took with directions for his very coveted loaves. Well, that's still in the offing, but Jenny, Robyn and Evan [aka "e.e."] came over for the passing of the torch and Jenny took notes and "PaPa" showed her the ropes. They are a fabulous family, and the kids are such joy, Jenny is doing a great job, and during their stay, I had some solo time with Robyn, and she told me just how much she loves her Dad, William. I won't go into details of our conversation, suffice Robyn was most adamant and joyful to have William as her Dad. We, too, are thrilled and love him dearly. I had another session with Julie, and there is improvement! Score! There is a process where they use "cups" as a diagnostic tool, as well as treatment. The good news is that the dark purple ones which indicate deeper energy stagnation, have turned pale, which is closer to the surface, but still represents Chi stagnating. But it is improvement! And, instead of every 3 days like the past 3 sessions, it will be in a week! Another sign of improvement. I came home to find the family eating warm, fresh, home made, "GordyBread" and joined in. What a lovely family -- here's a snap for your enjoyment. Hey, it's a start, right?
 Evan [the mohawk is Katie's work last night] Robyn and Jenny chez moi, waiting for bread to cool offOf course, we also added more marks to the height measuring pole, and in just a short time [accidental pun]Robyn grew a good inch! Wow. Evan, of course, well, it's been a couple years, so the change was major! I love that pole--it's priceless. I sure hope it isn't a load bearing fixture, I don't think it is, because it will be handed down to the family long after I'm gone. Tomorrow we are seeing my Mom. I love her and miss her and hope she's doing well. I fired off initial contact to Careage in hopes they can put her on their waiting list - dare to dream her living ~20 minutes away? Peace! ##