His name is Bartholomew, but methinks BartholoROAR is more appropriate! Beverly let me take him to be tested for feline leukemia, and he's healthy - so she let me take him home today. WOW! Beverly, another amazing feline from you. I knew a "Bev-cat" is special, but this guy -- he's outstanding, and I'm mesmerized and learning learning about "the wild". He doesn't mew, or whine, he meeeeeeeeOWWWWWSSS and it's loud and long and full open mouth. He is like Gordy, he doesn't do anything quiet . He also plays with pure capture and conquer -- he will not be a boy to use "soft mouth" when he hunts in the "cat house", but he's a lover too.
 snap by gordy
I don't know how long he'll be with us, as there are a lot of variables Bev and I have set up -- the good of the many outweigh the good of the few or one! Thank you Beverly for this time with him, if not longer. It has been a treat, and we'll take each day as it come. Meroar! ##