I dunno if I mentioned it or not, but thanks to the generosity of Miz Beverly Graham [Ken Wright too] Zachary and Bartholomew aka McDreamy aka Kerfuffle aka Val aka.... these two boyz came into my life and they came at incredibly emotional and vulnerable times in my life..when I have been on the verge of no joy, no heart, no soul, well there was a heart, 'cuz it was totally breaking, in shards...! But, today I looked to phone Bev and thank her yet again for her joyful, generous love she shared, and she had Avian, her grandson 18 months [love that age personally - it's the start of terror, but also the person becomes him or herself - what fun!!! no tongue in cheek here] over playing "drums" [read: banging -- hmm, is he Ken in progress?] and I found this terrific site, Musician's Registry I'd like to share!
FWIW, "Carry Me" is the song that always made Mom cry and it hit her core self, and "Thoughts of My Father" well, it bring me to my knees in tears. And, despite these deep songs, and deep work she does with Operation Sack Lunch, she still has a sense of the ridiculousness, and can write and sing like the most rockin' and /or soul /or R&B chick there is. You should hear her do "House of the Rising Son" [move over Dave Van Ronk and Dylan -ps that's her Dad's fav song].Enjoy her music and check out her own site. Listen, buy, feel, enjoy and share.

##PS Her concerts are brilliant, and she's funny, and wise and human and it's so worth seeing her in person; stellar music with stories - how kewl is that?!?