I'm really angry about the Primaries and the way that they, the media, and maybe the other Dems too? seem to just dismiss John Edwards. He is the only one I think is sincere and wants to change, and is able, due to his background in politics, to enforce those changes. I'm sorry, Barack just doesn't have the clout, or practical knowledge to try to work a 180 on how things are going now, such as the war, and health care, and the budget et al. He doesn't have the life experience to be able to not be persuaded by others "on his side" at this time. He needs more years under his belt, and experience, and they he'd make a decent prez, if at that time, he has these same beliefs he expresses this campaign, these seemingly lofty goals to change things. Hillary, well, I think she has the goods, but I don't think she will ever garner the respect from the other politicians to make it happen. They don't like that she's female, and they don't like that she's a "Clinton". They still don't forgive Bill his sexual indiscretion. People's priorities are so darn messed up and foolish. How Bush gets away with his horrific acts of stupidity, and lies, and smirks, and wrong decisions, and the terrible choices, and he's not taken to task for them, and why poor Bill, with a consenting adult, ended up getting tried and impeached for sex, or something like it, is beyond me. John has the talent, the charm, the intensity, the background, and the drive. He can effect change. He spells things out on his site - check out this document:

and despite all this, he's dismissed...or is it manipulated out of the spotlight? I hear the pundits and news shows speaking only of Hillary and Barack -- heck, the nerve of this reporter on PRI to say, Kerry backing Barack was because his voting record is parallel, and Hillary is a moderate...but no one spoke of John Edwards as if he was still in the race, and /or what a nasty thing it was to not back John, and what how stupid message he's sending about his own pick for a VP way back when. What is wrong with these bozos? G said that big biz is afraid of John, and is using it's strength to ensure he's not even in the race, or in the news, or getting any press. I don't know if they [big biz] has this power or not, but if they do, doesn't that scream to everyone to vote for the person that is being suppressed and that power and money is being spent on to keep him down? I'm behind John, and offer him what little donations I can here and there, but I am so afraid that the choices that will be left, based on these loud and censorious powerful, narcissistic, big bizness, people manipulations create will be unacceptable to me. Did you know that John Edwards is the only candidate that has not taken a "single sou" from corporations so he will be unencumbered when he takes office? Can you imagine that strength of character? A ticket I'd like to see is Edwards /Clinton! What a dynamic team. John would be too smart to let his Veep be a puppet and used for just show, he'd give Hillary plum assignments that would use her history and passion to the US's advantage. She's done a lot of groundwork in health care for one, and I can see them working side by side and making great strides from ground one. I'm afraid that if Hillary was president, she'd be having to spend a great deal of her valuable time defending herself and her "femaleness" which is a terrific shame. But life is not fair, and the golden rule is only used by many as an attack of the righteous, twisting it, while being anything but empathetic or supporting as they would expect, nay, in this case, DEMAND for themselves. It's a scary and sad world that people with power are so narcissistic and simplistic in the world being all about them, and their resources being used to perpetuate it. And, I use this term in the clinical sense of the personality disorder -- I bet it you looked it up, you'd see a snap of W, and Cheney, and oh so many on the Republican side, as well as bi-partisan too, as long as you are one of the rich and powerful sort:
Narcissistic Personality Disorder -- Diagnostic Criteria A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:
has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements) is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions) requires excessive admiration has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
Does this sound familiar regarding our Governmental choices the last ~8 years? I have a favor to ask you. Please check out John Edwards' site, and blog, and other goodies, and see if what he has to say make sense to you before you believe you only have a choice between the two people the press implies is the only option. One thing I like on his site is his posted "to do list":
- Global Warming
- Iraq
- Health Care
- Jobs & Poverty
http://www.johnedwards.com Thank you for listening. Pax. ##