.Well, onto more jlg-detrius, eh?
So, I missed the connection of both Dad's Birthday (March 20th -- he always preferred to call it "Spring Day", and April 2nd, to light the Yertzeit). Dad died in 1999, April 2nd, which was Good Friday that year, so I remember we all chatted about his come back on Sunday...no blasphemy intended, just "black humor" aka "funereal humor" aka "joking" while trying to hang onto some silly "magical thinking" -- I just did not want him gone.
Anyhooo, the conundrum for me later was do we light the candle every Good Friday? or April 2nd? or do I track down the hebrew calendar and do it that day? Not belonging to a temple, we wouldn't get those anniversary notices that we woud get back east as a reminder. This year, the 9th anniversary of his passing, well, I just messed up royally, not for lack of love and love and more love and loss of and missing him, nor loss of respect for Dad - not hardly, but my forgetting and losing track of it all makes me feel like I failed him in yet another way [failing him about Momcare is my first guilt..just writing the words make me sad and start to have "leaky eyes"...he would want so much more for Mom than I have managed to give her, but what it could be, I've no idea as I do try the hardest I can to make it the easiest I can think of for her -- trying to be creative in our visits etc etc, but in the end, she's there, on her own, for the rest of the week, and for me to make it down more often is not doable. Doing it as frequently as we do now is so very hard on both myself and Gordy as it is].
Time just was all blurry and my theory for the past few chaotic years is that "it" is all "just one day". It's APRIL already, and we still didn't have our Christmas of '07 with Katie, Mike and Colby yet. Horrors.
We also have not sent off, the prezzies which have been ready to mail, to Jenny and Miz Robyn for their January birthdays. I feel like crap about it. Pure unadulterated crap. Seems to be this year of the Rat's theme for moi.
Today Rob (He's always been Bob to me - we've known one-another since Mr Fusco's Algebra "split lunch" class at Conard High, aka I was 15!!!) phoned, and I was here this time to answer it. I know he thinks that I "screen" my calls, but I don't have an answering machine that would allow it, au contraire, I have voice-mail c/o Whidbey Telephone, which does not let me discriminate. It's a real phone leveler.
But today we got to speak for a nice while. He sounded so fine and happy and quite centered. There was a "bounce" in his voice. I loved that. He had just come back from a trip to Costa Rica which, according to him, was even better than his trip to Iceland which was the trip to which all of them were held up to until now. He did send me some snaps, and I'll share 2 (without permission - but I'm sure he'll have me remove it if it bothers him). I am waiting with bated breath for the latest photo of his daughter, Katie, who is 15, and I'm sure a heartbreaker if she takes after her Dad in the charm and looks department hehe, karma .

La hummingbird & Pictureperfect Costacoast
Speaking of Rob, there's Robby, of Coale infamy, and Gordy stopped by his place of work today and caught up with him. All is going well, and I love that! He's an amazing man who is so sensitive to what peple are feeling -- and a looker to boot! Things are going well for him [knock wood] and it was via hard work and determination. He's now working at Mukilteo Coffee Roasters which is a surprisingly huge contender in the coffee bean world; internationally, they beat out Starbucks in some markets...and Robby is with them during the early growing pains when they opened their "facility in the woods", and has worked his tail off with /for them. One thing that Robby excels in is his "coffee art"! I've yet to see it, but will look forward to seeing his work. Gordy plans to take some snaps and create a book online. Gary and Beth (the owners) are noticing Rob's range of skills, and dedication, thus he is starting to reap the rewards, such as heading to Hong Kong to doing some training in the near future. Literally "Kewl Beanz"!

Of course, work leads to my project for Robin Dowling, owner of The Gallery Salon and Day Spa. I did a site for her (currently it's only 2 "splash pages"), which is still a work in progress, but feel free to visit the site, and bookmark it if you are local to the Island.
Well, I gots to get some paperwork ready, and try to write up some sort of a compilation of events /dx, rx et al for my upcoming new MD appts this week. Scary stuff, a lot rides on this week re: LTD, insurance, Rx et al. I'll take any good vibes you all are willing to give.