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Civilian casualties update
  Monday   May 26   2008       08: 20 PM

PSA [Public Service Announcement] regarding Lyrica and cats.

I received an email via one of my Fibromyalgia distribution lists, and here it is:

A friend set her Lyrica down for a moment and her cat ate it. The emergency
vet clinic said this was the third such incident they have seen in the six
months that Lyrica has been out. (And that's just one clinic.)

So, if you're taking Lyrica and have a cat, make sure the pill goes
directly from the bottle to your mouth. I don't know what's in it that makes it so
attractive for cats, but don't take chances!

(Yes, her cat is fine. Her checking account is not -- this was a $600
learning experience.)

Karen M. Campbell
Sacramento, Calif.
Founder, CFSFacts -- dispelling the myths and providing the facts

Caution y'all - pax!