While our country's people continue to lose their homes via natural disaster, or worse, inflation and unemployment, what the heck does Bush think, nay how dare he commit, more time away from home, our exhausted, overworked, stressed out troops to a war where we don't belong at all, because of the ol' and tired [faux /trumped up /bait and switch /outright lie?] reason called HUMANITARIANISM?!? We need help at "home" now!

Today we present the letter "F" for foreclosure in honor of g-dub bush I also have not mentioned yet the recent changes happening that are impacting Mom's care because of lack of funds being appropriated to WSH the "dementia wards". Someone high up has determined that Medicare can't cover those who will not "get better" like Mom; aka people with Alzheimers. She has been de-certified. The 2 dementia wards (E-8 and E-6) are phasing out the decertified people, so they can get money for "regular" psych patients. They lost 13 million this year that they typically were given, thus could care for the Alzheimer's patients.
Therefore, before, yes BEFORE Mom is ready to leave the facility, they are being forced to find a place that will take her "as is" and be the best match they can possibly get for her. Although they know my preferences; 1. don't let he go before she's ready -- change is not goof for anyone with Alzheimer's 2. Please let her come to Careage on the Island, beg, plead, let them know she's not the woman that they said no to about 2 years ago when first asked WAY before she was ready to leave 3. barring that, please make it closer to home, although anything off the Island is 1 hour at a minimum to get there, and I'm absolutely ferry-less from around 1 - 5 AM which leaves me w/out access to Mom if I'm needed, if she's off island 4. she needs "touch care" and one on one attention to be most calm -- there is no assisted living home, nor private facility that I have researched that can give mom the type of attention she needs to thrive and feel safe. So, what the fuck are we going in to Georgia when we need our military families home, resting sound and safe, and we need the millions and billions home to protect the infirm, and to find alternative energy, v. fighting for a pipeline in Georgia or Russia, and how about stimulating the real economy, not the upper echelon, so that jobs are there to be filled, so people can earn money, feel good about themselves, and then afford their houses and meet their commitments?

Hmmmmmmm? How about THAT? ##