It looks like the bailout isabout to pass, and it really angers me - no one listened to the voters. I am not sure how you feel, but I immediately had to see just how my representatives voted, so I finally hunted down 2 ways to find this out. One is via a .gov site [which gave me an error message that it is overloaded w/inquiries right now] and it's link is here:

The other one is a Washington Post driven database which can be found here -- it's pretty slick and the data goes back to 1991, but there is no free lunch at the Washington Post, as one has to suffer the ads. I'd be remiss if I didn't say that it is pretty exciting to key it in by state and see just what one's reps are doing and how often they do vote at all. Many neat configurations available.
 To read how it reaches it's numbers, link hereIt's pretty sad that I will have to see just who I won't be voting for next year, just who let me /us down. Pax! ##