On a more stress free vein, I'd like to introduce you to a brilliantly joyful and informative addition to the bandwidth, called "Breathe In Radio". This is the brainchild of both Beverly Graham and Julie Keegan, healers and women extrodinaire, who live right here on Whidbey Island! I just love it on so many levels. On one hand it's a "chick thing" with the ladies just chatting and free-associating as they word-dance around the topics of the day. These ladies are so natural on camera, that they draw a person into their universe, so that we are not mere "flies on the wall", but part of the "coffee clatch". They webcast live from Rockhoppers [the very place that TestingTesting in it's first incarnation used to webcast from when it was the "cybercafe" & bookstore] on the south end in Clinton. As of this post, there have only been 13 streams (including #0 their test show) since it's origination, yet there is already a wide spectrum of topics and guests. The talks are interspersed with songs from Beverly Graham's repitoire which punctuate the show serendipitously more often than not. Ah synchronicity and woo-woo collide. The show's main focus is helping to educate people about the holistic approach to life and healing. Whether it's tuning in to the change in seasons, or the alignment of the stars, there is sustenance for the soul on how to get the most out of one's life. It is evident by watching Julie, Beverly, and regular guests, Chef Patti and Gretchen Lawlor, that these ladies practice what they preach. There is an unrestrained joy in these shows as well as a plethora of information to live by -- and if not live by, to consider. I'm one of the lucky people here on the Island who has been a recipient of treatments, not only Julie's via Oriental Healing Arts and Beverly's Vibrational Mending [see the photo on that home page? I took it a long long time ago in the days of TestingTesting...] but other alternative modalities which have helped me personally. It's all incredible goodness which you've been reading about off and on here if you've visited my site before and have followed my quest for health.
 Check out the show live on Fridays at 6:00PM Pacific time, or visit the archived show site. I'm still playing catch up myself and loving every minute of it! Enjoy!!!
Pax! ##