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Civilian casualties update
  Friday   October 24   2008       09: 03 PM

I lucked out this past week despite my overwhelming blues etc. when Amazon sent me a fabulous flick that somehow went under my radar when it first came out in 2004 called Unconditional Love.

This is appealing on so many different levels and sheer joy. Do I need to say more about it than Kathy Bates is in it? I suppose I do.

It is about "leaps of faith" or "inner strength" this middle aged woman goes through; a coming of age story after her husband chooses to get a divorce. Apparently, this blissfully happy woman as wife and mother, truly had no observable clue she was unhappy as she had defined herself. A love of music and singing was repressed when her husband "poo-poo'd" it when she mentioned her desire to sing professionally when they were first married. She accepted it at the time, but all her married life, it has been eeking out, this unrequited love and creativity, as we find her singing along with the radio, with the famous Irish singer "Lark".

This is a comedy and love affair about being true to, and ultimately outting, one's inner & truest self. To add to the mix, there is a wee bit o' a murder mystery to boot. I just loved this flick, and happily own it. I know I'll be taking it out to share with others and view again and again. This film is not about "unconditional love" with other people, it is about having unconditional love for oneself. Oh yes, added bonus - if you some times use, as I do, already watched movies (typically they are classics for me -- one of my top 10 is Gaslight) to "talk you to sleep", there is a wonderful "end of movie" bonus where the music at "top menu" is lovely, quiet and non-invasive! It's the little things that make it extra special.

Watch it, buy it, share it, Enjoy!