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Civilian casualties update
  Tuesday   November 4   2008       05: 11 PM

Well, BBC was talking to American folk which almost negated the objective look...but they have such a wrong take on it. The BBC is saying that it's all about race. They are counting black population to determine what they expect to win. No way is that on target. They are looking at us with such wrong eyes which truly makes it scary as to how else other countries, who don't speak the same language as we do, meaning English, see us. Very bad. I'm so glad that that Obama wins by the landside I hope he should so they learn we are about people, new blood and change, and not color - that we are not the "blue eyed devil".

Go blue go ... keep voting if you haven't yet.

And he won Illinois and Pennsylvania! Time for me to turn to the yankee stations now.
PS BBC says now McCain 34, Obama 103 as of this post - projected!