Wednesday January 14 2009 12: 02 AM
During Clinton's hearing today, I was pleasantly surprised by her policy position and grace. I had my doubts at Obama's choice for her as Secretary of State. I had presumed she'd be best in some health related capacity. But maybe Obama did good.
 Clinton Pledges Tough Diplomacy and a Fast Start By MARK LANDLER Published: January 13, 2009 "...[snip]Appearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Mrs. Clinton showed a mastery of the issues that won praise from her fellow lawmakers, and outlined a muscular view of American foreign policy that she said would put diplomacy front and center in the Obama administration. [snip] . . . In addressing the spiraling violence in Gaza, Mrs. Clinton spoke more fully than either she or Mr. Obama had done previously, and she seemed to part from the tone set by the Bush administration in calling attention to what she described as the “tragic humanitarian costs” borne by Palestinians as well as Israelis.Mrs. Clinton said she was “deeply sympathetic” to Israel’s right to defend itself against rocket attacks by Hamas militants from Gaza, a stance that has been central to the Bush administration’s message. But Mrs. Clinton also said that the price being paid by Palestinian civilians as well as Israelis “must only increase our determination to seek a just and lasting peace agreement” that included a Palestinian state. Her emphasis on the civilian costs of the violence in Gaza suggested that the incoming administration might be more inclined than President Bush has been to urge restraint on the Israelis. [snip] . . . In addition to her answers on foreign policy, Mrs. Clinton made it clear that the State Department would have a higher profile on economic issues, which, she noted, had implications for relations with Russia. She also laid out an ambitious agenda for working on women’s health. “Of particular concern to me,” she said, “is the plight of women and girls, who comprise the majority of the world’s unhealthy, unschooled, unfed and unpaid.” [snip]..."
Hill done good... I always admired and liked this woman. I still have concerns about Obama's talk about engaging Iran and Afghanistan in some way, but I hope she truly can influence not only other countries engaged in mistreating women and fighting war(s) to cease fire and initiate a dialogue that creates peace and respect for all human life, but that she can influence and expedite this process for the US.Peace ##