Miss Olivia Rose Gillman was taken to the vet's on Monday 'cuz I noticed she was losing weight and looked wrong. Although she looked and felt "right" to the vet, they took blood, 'cuz ~4 lbs in 6 weeks is bad. The results were she's in renal failure. They are saying 6 months to a year. It was not caught because they had never done full bloodwork on her. I suggest to all pet owners to get a baseline earlier than during a crisis. I spoke to Julie and she says we have time to try to make her feel well, and build up her energy. I will be contacting Beverly too -- she has gobs o' animals as well. So I will be looking for alternate approaches to help our little girl feel well, and dare to dream? be well.

As a kitten, often her tongue would hang out -- Mom said "Her tongue must be too long...". Later I learned, from a vet, that they find an energy spot in the house, and voila, the tongue - zoning out - kind of finding their bliss.
If you know of anything that has helped your kitty with kidney issues, alternative or "vet medicine" please write me with your story. As always your prayers and light and energy is encouraged. Thank you all. >^^< Peace ##