Mark your calendars, set your alarm on your PDA, do whatever it takes y'all to remind you to get thee to the Sci-Fi channel for a ressurection of a great crew and ensemble of actors -- Bruce Campbell and Renee O'Connor together -- the series title is Alien Apocalypse!!! See you this Saturday, 9 PM Pacific...!
 Alien Apocalypse
02:46 AM - link - |
Oh No... my tummy is clutching and cramping in waves like the "ol' days". The past few months seem to be working itself right back into an old behaviour pattern what I dare not get involved with....keep ur toes and fingers crossed for me, send light, and I'll take all good healing thoughts and prayers. Thank you.
- On another health front, Mary (my sister in law) had her first of 2 knees replaced today. Jim (my Brother) wrote that all is well with her, but he is sleeping over at the hospital.
On a sad note, I have heard from my ex-husband, John, on Saturday (19th) and he's dying from prostate cancer. Shshsh**!!!Yikes...Kim took to the front yard and did some major pruning on the butterfly bushes and Potato Bushes -- it looks like it did when I first planted them...egads! Did I mention I had to take another Stadol? Scary stuff to consider going through another round of fighting my stomach pain, and trips to the ER....I'm so afraid, if I still hurt in the AM, I will prolly do a run to the ER, or a preferred trip to Dr Waite's office.
02:03 AM - link - |
Miz Roybn and ensemble were a hit tonight at SWHS (South Whidbey High School). The house was packed...the parking lot chaos -- I expect to see wonderful reviews in the papers!!! Poor Evan had a nasty cold, but he did a stellar job of being Audience...other cries were heard from babies in the house, but not so Evan -- there was one moment where he was so moved by the performance, that he did join in on the singing, but other than that, was the perfect audience. ##
01:50 AM - link - |
Oprah.com asks the question... Are warts contagious? Yes. Warts are infections, caused by viruses, and thus transmissible. If your best friend has a wart, avoid using her towel or unlaundered clothes. Bottom line: Friendship has its boundaries.
11:37 PM - link - |
as ever SELFISH!!! as ever
..there must be a way ?
09:15 PM - link - |
"Oops, I 'did' it again..." should be Mt St Helen's theme song...she's done it again!!! 5:25PM .. 25th anniversary almost -- May 18th -- Last time I was back east, and I remember then fearing the ash would be coming my way....Right now, it's heading towards Yakima. Here's some links: http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/Volcanoes/MSH/framework.html http://www.fs.fed.us/gpnf/volcanocams/msh/ http://www.geophys.washington.edu/SEIS/PNSN/ http://www.fs.fed.us/gpnf/mshnvm Peace, ..Zoe
06:54 PM - link - |
I bet y'all had little to no idea that Christine Lavin is a knitter extrodinaire? I just received an amazing scarf /capelet /shawl that was knitted on the road in between gigs...here's a snap of me and this multi-colored, many different threaded piece! Yum! Check it out...
11:27 PM - link - |
Oh My God /dess!!! What a fright I had today. Zach, my boy cat, the Somali, was doing his usual leap onto the screen to attack something of interest, when there was a loud noise -- I was drifting in and out of sleep, so I had no clue what happened...but Gordy saw the screen to the bedroom was gone! I live on the "virtual" 3rd floor (there's a "daylight basement" area) and Zach did a backflip off of the screen, and hit the ground. We've zero idea as to how he landed, but Gordy got to the window in time to see him run to the left towards the back yard. After calling and looking for him (yes, even Olivia went downstairs to the "cat house" and meowed for him) Gordy found him huddled under the over-turned wheel-barrel. Thank god /dess! After doing a "watch" all day, and a thorough feel, he seems to be fine -- egads, this would be his 2nd "life" [the first one being used up when he went on a fast when my stomach brought me to the ER many days a week -- he tuned into it -- an empath of sorts...]. He's an amazing guy. I can't imagine life without him. [BTW, he has now earned another nickname, Gonzo! from the opening shot of "The Muppets Take Manhattan", and Gonzo is riding in the hot air balloon, and talks about going for a "Plummet"].
 Zachary (Gonzo) & me...
Both he and Olivia "ground" me and help me get through the every day mess called life!Now, go pet your beasties right away and tell them you love them!!! Peace!
11:52 PM - link - |
"walk this way..."
Igor [prnounced Eye-gore] from "Young Frankenstien" [pronounced Steen] --
there's more!