Stop Playing The Blame Game With Our Troops Lives dammit! Just sign the bill and then spend time calling names and work the politics to get different legislation to ammend it afterwards. It's virtually on your desk, stop grand-standing. This is about real people. I've never been quite this angry about the behaviour of a group of supposedly education people in a long while, if ever!!! As of now, it's in your court, sign it. For whatever reasons prior to this the bill has been passed in congress, it's your move. If you veto it and send it back, it's YOU, Mr Bush, who will waste time in getting the money to the troops. The process up to now was pretty quick getting it to you. Stop talking and act. [On a personal note, I need my son-in-law home, safe, NOW! NOW! NOW!] This article is from the Washington Post
Bush Derides Iraq War Measure He Says Democrats Will Be Blamed if Funds Are Held UpBy Shailagh Murray and Jonathan Weisman Washington Post Staff Writers Thursday, March 29, 2007; A01 In his most combative comments yet, President Bush mocked Democratic lawmakers yesterday for including a deadline for troop withdrawals and "pork" projects in an Iraq spending bill, declaring that "the American people will know who to hold responsible" if funding for the war stalls. Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) shot back that Bush's vow to veto the spending bill carries its own cost. In a joint letter, they warned him against following "a political strategy that would needlessly delay funding for our troops." "Calm down with the threats. There is a new Congress in town," Pelosi said at a Capitol Hill news conference. "We respect your constitutional role. We want you to respect ours." As the two sides jabbed at each other, the Senate hurried to complete its $122 billion war spending measure, with a final vote on the package expected today. Republicans were unable to strike language setting a March 31, 2008, goal for the withdrawal of U.S. combat forces from Iraq, but GOP leaders decided not to block the legislation. Its approval is now considered a foregone conclusion.
[snip] for more click here Idiots all! ##
11:16 AM - link - |
Pinch Me!!! Did I just read this correctly? Only local stations and rags are saying:
"Senate OKs Iraq Withdrawal Timetable"Now, before you get as excited by the headlines as I did, know that this is still a great achievement. LANGUAGE is hugely important; allowing the "withdrawal date" to stay IN the bill was the big coup. There is power in words, both oral and written. There is an energy one can'd deny. So this is truly wonderful. It's a change from what has been for these many years, a new perspective is being heard and given voice. Huzzah! ..AND, of course, if Bush says that he's going to veto this bill because the withdrawal time-table is included within it, then, well the shoe's on the other foot, eh? and the Prez is the guilty party, nay, guiltier one, of playing politics with the soldier's lives by refusing to accept this bill as is and not supporting our men and women with the money allocated to them. [now why do I think he won't think that he's hurting our military if he vetoes it and doesn't give the much need resources to our troops as quickly as possible, but, when the foo was on the other shit, well, bizness as usual, when he does something, it's not wrong, but when the dems do something, it's horrible from it's his POV] This was posted at NYT online 44 minutes ago: Enjoy!
The New York Times
March 27, 2007 Senate Keeps Pullout Date in Iraq War Bill By JEFF ZELENY and DAVID STOUTWASHINGTON, March 27 — The Senate defeated an attempt to erase an American troop withdrawal date from an Iraq spending bill this afternoon after an emotional debate about the powers of the presidency and Congress and the well-being of front-line soldiers. By a vote of 50 to 48, the Senate allowed a withdrawal date of March 31, 2008, to remain in the $122 billion bill, which has yet to be acted upon. The majority defeated an amendment offered by Senator Thad Cochran of Mississippi, the ranking Republican on the Appropriations Committee, that would have removed the date.
 Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic majority leader, talked to reporters today on Capitol Hill. Later the Senate voted to keep a troop withdrawal date in an Iraq spending bill
The March 31, 2008, date is nonbinding, so the spending bill emerging from the Senate differs markedly from the version narrowly passed by the House last week that demanded a withdrawal by Sept. 1, 2008. Moreover, the margins in both chambers were far too narrow to override a veto promised by President Bush. But this afternoon’s vote, like the one last week in the House, reflect the power of the new Democratic majority in Congress, and the Democrats’ determination to press their case against Mr. Bush’s conduct of the Iraq war. The vote was preceded by passionate arguments on both sides. “What are our commanders in the field supposed to think?” Senator John Thune, Republican of South Dakota, said in arguing that a withdrawal date would be self-destructive and urging passage of the Cochran measure. Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, offered a similar argument. “This bill should be named the Date Certain for Surrender Act,” Mr. McCain said. “A second-year cadet at West Point could tell you that if you announce when the end will be, it’s a recipe for defeat.” But Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska broke with most of his Republican colleagues in endorsing a timetable and opposing the Cochran amendment. “There will be no victory or defeat for the United States in Iraq,” Mr. Hagel said. “There will not be a military solution to Iraq.” “Iraq belongs to the 25 million Iraqis who live there,” Mr. Hagel said. “It doesn’t belong to the United States.” Senator Carl Levin, the Michigan Democrat who heads the Armed Services Committee, disputed any suggestion that a timetable was a prescription for defeat. Rather, he said, it is “a signal to the Iraqi leaders that we cannot save them from themselves.” [snip] click here to read the entire article
. . . Several Republicans spoke on the Senate floor during the opening hours of debate on Monday, suggesting Democrats were abandoning the troops. As he explained the bill, Mr. Byrd, the longest-serving member of the Senate, offered a full-throated defense. “The bill before the Senate includes a provision that would give the war a new direction, and points the way out of the civil war in Iraq,” Mr. Byrd said. “There is no restriction on funding for the troops.”
ADDENDUM: For a roll call of who voted which way, look here. ##
04:28 PM - link - |
PSA - pet food recall!! The list is huge!!! Somehow some rat poison got in some food. Menu Foods Income Fund 8 Falconer Drive Streetsville, ON Canada L5N 1B1 Recall Information:
Here's the links:
Cat Food List Dog Food List
Help get the word out. When it comes to our pets, they are "innocents" and I think it is best to err on the side of extra cautious. Peace ##
05:21 PM - link - |
We saw Mom today and just as we turned right into the entrance to the Western State hospital Campus, my heart started pounding and revving up in a major way. I was so afraid to visit. I am not sure why. Before we left, I made "american spaghetti" which was always a "comfort food" chez Gillman's. It is your basic capellini pasta, with cheeze whiz and tomato sauce. Simple. I added some spinich leaves, tomatoes and asparagus on top w/butter as I put in on broil to crisp up the top, but it's truly very simple. To my delight, Mom really dug into it. She even took it off of my plate LOL. I'm not sure why, but I let her. We all eat together and it makes a difference. I brought bright napkins, and served us all and kept the containes off. She enjoyed it a lot. Of course, when she saw me in our "room" she immediately broke down in tears. She was also noticably hunched over some. But she was being "strong". She mentioned missing Dad today. She also spoke about Jim and missing him too. Gordy has sort of become her "everyman". She always seems to know he's "Gordy", but she'll still refer to him as "Papa" [which was Ray's /Dad's most recent moniker post grandkids; Gregg and Andrew], or Jay, or "him" or James or ... and gets a warm feeling when he smiles at her or hugs her or takes her hand. She feels definitely secure -- she dotes on him, offering him the food off her plate, etc.. She also knows he's my fiance during all this too. But she tells us that she just loves us and feels so good to have us in her life. Wow. She also continues to know who I am. I'm blessed that she does. She also compliments me all the time. And today, when I told her she was beautiful, she said "that's because you love me, and I love you". So she still has her brains in gear after all. Mom also was trying to make me feel ok again about her being there. She's "talk" about things that go wrong, but will ultimately comment that it ends up resolving somehow, and she's ok here. I don't know how she stays there and doesn't go totally coo-coo. But, she digs deep I guess and manages. There was a lot of activity tonight, lots of residents walking with the caregivers. Maybe it's spring fever hitting everyone, and the days are staying light longer too. But it was very active as we looked out the windows of our meeting room. The people who work there are all very very kind and nice. They care so much about their wards, and I know Mom is a handful, but they laugh at what goes on with her with us and with Mom, so that's good. Today Mom was doing a lot of joking around, and teasing. She's being very playful in an intelligent way, but she doesn't have the words. It has to be so hard for her, and I have no idea on how to make that "Better". We talked about Gordy's dental work, and when I mentioned he had an appointment tomorrow for more extractions, she said with deep concern, as she reached out to him, "Oh Dear!" and she continued to talk about her 12 [teeth] that she had removed voluntarily, and made motions as if putting her uppers on, and said it was "heavy" and she truly felt for Gordy. Mom is so "in there". I wish I could understand her for HER sake, it is truly a "No Exit" situation, a hell on earth for my Mom. I have to get cracking and write a note for the folks about what I have observed of late and see if my observations can fire off some grey cells in the MD's collective brains and they find a new way to help her. In passing, I mentioned I had to go home and feed the cats, and she smiled a smile of apparent recognition, I think this time she knew and could visualize them. It was a very familiar and loving smile she gave, it felt truly right. I miss her so much. I miss my Dad, and it's his birthday today. I did see one eagle, so maybe he sent a "messenger" around to let me know he's ok? The things a person does to try to stay connected to their loved ones, eh? . We have to shovel out the mess in the house, and I have to catch up on the bills, and correspondence, and we have to get ready for Miz Robyn's visit! I can not wait to see her. I wish we could take Gerry to a neutral place so she could enjoy Robyn, but, to be honest, I don't think that would even insulate Robyn enough since Mom's language is so poor, and without her teeth, well she looks weird. So I guess it's just as well this time they dont' hook up. One of the residents there, the tall young guy who used to only scream, must have had a set back, because although he doesn't scream as frequently as when I first saw him [he was admitted the same day Mom was], he has started to scream again after a long period of quiet. He also had to be hand in hand with a caregiver all the time waking around, and he must have been medicated intensely, as he was drooling as he walked around. Oh Mom.. you are so brave. I mentioned Poppy and how Mac used to color both of their hair the same color, and she recognized the names and situation. I just found out today that they do have someone to cut their hair on Fridays, so they will set it up for her. I told them to keep it youthful, no "old lady hair" and they told me that there is a woman who works days who isn't trained to work with hair, but she usually curls people's hair. I said "Please, no curlers for Mom, she likes a young hair cut". We will see whether they do it right. Mom has great hair, so it has to be truly cut wrong for it to look bad -- my toes and fingers are crossed that they do a good job. I'm rambling and it's late. I guess I'll do a quick looksee to maybe find a photo to post. BBIAB. Got one:
 ECU of Zach -- my guy ...
03:29 AM - link - |
To me it's still Monday since I've not slept yet and awakened to the new day, so from my POV, tomorrow is my Dad's birthday. He used to insist we call it "happy spring"...so tomorrow, we head to WSH to visit Mom just in case she is "feeling" it on the cellular level instead of her true memory. I'm sad about this. I am making, in addition to our usual fare, what we call "american spaghetti". I hope it's a comfortable visit, where Mom can express sadness if she is aware of what March 20th is. I forgot to contact Joan and Terri on March 4th. I only just remembered that as I write - dang. It was Uncle Jay's birthday, and I try to reach out and say hello on those eventful days in our lives. I am just w/out much memory or brains or time. This month has sped by. Well, here today's photo. It was taken in Florida last month, it's Spanish Moss that has managed to envelop so many of the local flora. We are no where near the coast, or what I can see, any wetlands. I could not get the color, that very special tone of green that envelops us as we walk through the parks. It's not unlike that green found in the Red Rock Canyons in the St George Utah, area, like Bryce and Zion etc. A pretty bit of nature's garland follows:
 Happy Spring...with all my love ..always
01:45 AM - link - |
I've been working really hard to try to get the house ready for Miz Robyn's visit. I hope I have the energy needed -- and I can't thank Jenny enough for letting us have her visit. Close call. Gordy just told me, because I asked the "right question" while overhearing his conversation with Jenny, shhhh, this is going to be a surprise for Candi. Yikes, I almost blew it yesterday at Katie's when we looked at the gorgeous painting by Griff she bought. I almost whispered it into his ear when we started talking about Robyn's visit. Oooopsie. I didn't but it was because Katie spoke up quickly saying that it was a secret. Phew. I have no idea what to plan with Robyn, but I want it to be fun for alluvsns. I love and miss her tons and tons. I only wish where Gerry is living was an appropriate place to take Robyn, but it isn't. It makes me so sad because my Mom loved Robyn and they had fun together a lot before Mom got too memory poor that she couldn't recognize Robyn immediately. I also have to work hard this week to get my body back. I truly hurt myself two days in a row. I hope I can repair it with the exercises they gave me again. They worked hard on me, and I'm gonna prove them I was worth their work because I'm going to do them proud and pull another overworking of my body from the ashes like the proverbial phoenix rising! For my photos du jour, in honor of these amazing people at Clear Passage, I'm posting two photos of the staff in Gainesville. Thank you for all your time, effort, intuition, expertise and caring:
 Alona and Kimi Alona, who met me daily with a smile and total assurances that things were going smoothly and Kimi, one of the CP Triad
 Clear Passage: The Triad With men it may have taken "The Magnifenct Seven" but with the woment at CP Gainesville, it simply took "The Magnifenct Three"
10:53 PM - link - |
I think I wrote this before, but it's worth repeating since it's is really taking over a lot of my emotions and energy, but I am overwhelmed by lifestuff, and my words are really getting lost in a big way, and I either can't find them, or mush them together (sort of a new wrinkle to the "gilmos") or I dunno. A part of it can be because I still haven't got my CPAP and so I still am without any real restorative sleep yet, but it also can be because I have so much happening in my life right now, and I just can't seem to get a toe-hold on it, especially after the 2 weeks of "insulation" of sorts from the "real world", or it can be just the blues -- who knows? But it is weighing heavy on me. I do have a lot of good and not good things in my life right now, two sides of a coin if I were to tick off each item...go figure. One thing I want to start doing, and maybe today will be a real start v. a false start, is to display a photo du jour like Gordy does, but to start with, not nearly as organizes as he is . So here's a neat one to share. This is my amazing Mikey who, along with his Mom, Katie, sent me the most loving care package for the trip and plane ride. There was the mysterious letter too that said "Do Not Open Until On The Plane"!!! So I didn't, I even waited until we were airborn. It was amazing. There were a gazillion dinosaurs, aka "friends" ,and a map to find my way home [with Florida, just about where Gainesville is -- wow a potential map-maker extrodinaire -- Mike drew a band aid (Brilliant - Bravo)], and a valentine, and a photo of Mike, and well all those fine friends yet again! I should be glowing right? Well, at the moment, I am as I write this, but PDQ I end up blue and so very sad and tired again....but, the photo du jour is one of *MY GUY*, Michael Gordon Coale, when we met last week for dinner at Mike's Place and I shared some goodies from the "goody bag" I brought home, and one of 'em is this flutterby that he is balancing so gracefully on his nose:

Jenny phoned and we heard a very scary story about Billiam in Iraq. Bottom line he was a HERO, but even that is too close for comfort for me. Getting the details via multiple sources, it basically goes like this. There were a bunch of Soldiers in a room, could be where the munitions are stored...details on this is unclear. The plan is that the person returning whatever weapon used will empty it's chambers of any ammunition, and then there is some person who also is there to double check it. Seems pretty safe, yes? No! Friendly Fire? Humbug. What happened is that someone was holding the machine gun that was returned and empied, nose down (thank goodness) when it went offfofffofffofff [ratatatatataat] ammo into the ground. It was HUGELY LOUD and of course unsettling and throws everyone off their business and a lot of different things kick into place from training. William looked down and saw his friend on the ground bleeding pretty profusely, so he quickly got to him and made a tourniquet, probably saving his leg if not helping him from worse conditions of shock and bleeding out. He was the only one to get going and act. They took his friend away to wherever their hospital is in Iraq /Sadr City, and he was cared for. We're not sure yet how bad it was, whether he'll get to go home now, or patched up and put back out into the field. What is amazing is how William reacted despite the loud LOUD unexpected noises of the machine gun going off into the ground, then seeing his friend on the ground, and blood from the wound, the shrapnel that was embedded in his pal's leg, and not freezing, instead going into action, well, pretty brilliant, and, thank god /dess, he was not hurt!!! Phew!!! We love him and want him home sound and safe and soonest!!! Bravo Billiamdear! Good thing no one really reads my stuff, especially William . And just yesterday we found out that a dear friend, Bill Feeley (aka Felix) died of heart problams. [from the Whidbey Island Record]
Feeley, William Joseph (Bill) Monday, 12 Mar 2007 South Whidbey Record South Whidbey WA

William Joseph (Bill) Feeley of Langley, died quietly in his sleep March 12, 2007. Born January 23, 1935, in Philadelphia, Penn., Bill was a longtime resident of South Whidbey.A celebration of Bill’s life will be held at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, March 24, at the Deer Lagoon Grange Hall. In true Whidbey fashion, please bring a potluck dish to share, plus photos and memories. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to Hearts & Hammers or the charity of your choice. A full obituary will appear in a later edition of The Record.
He's the one who introduced Candi and Gordy - and butfor Bill doing this, there would be not amazing kids, whom I admire and love dearly, Robby, Katie and Jenny, nor the amazing wee ones who have stolen my heart, Evan, Mike or Robyn. He also was one of the few and consistent pals of Gordy's that immediately made me feel warm with welcoming hugs, never forgetting my name, etc. whether I saw him (with or without Gordy by my side) it be a choochokum or at TT (TestingTesting) or in the grocers, just anywhere! Always a hug and an infectious smile. Thank you Bill. I still keep, hanging among my special items and "charms" in my car, a woven head /hat band that has the Bolivian(?) version of the "10 commandments"; don't lie, don't steel, don't cheat [if memory serves...]. He also chased Eclipses and took photos. He was always on the move looking for some brillian feat of astronomy to experience. My tripod even went to Mozambique, I think, with him! Wow. Were that we could afford to send his "remains" up next launch into space, and just let him free among the other stars to shine down on us all... . What an empty spot in the universe it is to lose this very kind and dear man and warm friend. But that's not all. Just all for now. ##
12:42 AM - link - |
I will try to add more info about my time at Clear Passage, or at least a photo from my time in Gainesville, Florida daily, but no promises. I'm copping out today and just adding a snap, v. chat. I hope you enjoy it. I took this at the Butterfly Rain Forest part of the Museum. They also had a Tibet Exhibit going on, and other goodies such as Native American art and living, Skeletons of huge animals, and it was also right next to the Harn Museum as well. In the Rain forest, the first thing I thought of as the "butterfly energy" lifted me off the ground, was that Mom would just love and benefit from being her in person. Both Kim and I went "Gaga" [a technical term] as we entered this amazing exhibit. We had tried to go earlier in the week, the Saturday prior, but it was too cold for the butterflies to be out and be anything but dormant. After my last session on Friday at Clear Passage, we went straight to the exhibit and stayed a long while. It was beyond words. These lovely exotic creatures had no compunction about landing on a person, even me! Wow. Here's the first of many shot taken in the flutterby Museum..:
 A Flutterby at the Butterfly Rain Forest
03:04 AM - link - |
"walk this way..."
Igor [prnounced Eye-gore] from "Young Frankenstien" [pronounced Steen] --
there's more!