This very kewl, I am a member of the planet-x mail list, which is all about Christine Lavin. Today, it arrived with a mention from Rodney about a "The Comic Critic" cartoon by Mark Monlux that refers to "Piranha Women of the Avocado Jungle of Death" and here it is:

Who'd a thunk it? Very exciting to see the film, and Aunt Patsy, lives on and on and on and on and.. ##
08:09 PM - link - |
We visited Mom today and she didn't look as good as last time, but she was more "level" and she was "normal" in her tone of voice, her teasing, and her enjoying the food. Apparently, she has been in an aggressive mood of late the past few days according to Tammy, so they gave her more atavan and she would calm down. When we came in, she was sitting with a gent there, no conversation, just the two away from the rest of the crowd. We were told that she had napped earlier and had not eaten a lot. To my delight, she loved eating the food we cooked and brought. I just love "nourishing" her. She was joking and talking a lot. She also read the Thank You note Kim gave me to bring to Mom, which truly impressed me that she could still read!!! She has been less able to read, so this was a joy to hear. I brought my laptop, and we had a photo show of Kim's wedding, and our new Kitten, and then more events I had in my iphoto storage. This was like "background visuals" like the audio we bring. This may bear repeating. Oh, very funny story Tammy told us... Apparently, Mom calls people by whatever name she chooses, and now, all the men there are Gordy LOL! What a hoot. She truly needs our visits, as I need seeing her. It's been a very tough time lately accepting Mom as she is, and where she is. I have been doing a lot of crying. 'snuff for now - I'm exhausted. ##
04:32 AM - link - |
It just seems coo-coo to have pain externally and in my heart be so relentless. I just can't close the wound in my heart. There has to be a way to feel better and to let me have hope and /or embrace the future, the moment? I feel like I'm a "throw away"...not worth much if anything at all. I know it has to come from within, but it is lost right now, and I can't seem to find a kernel called "me", that nugget of ego that I could draw from or build on. There have been interactions among my love, and others, that have hurt me to the quick, and with an already broken heart, well anything is way more hurtful and damaging than it would if things were more typical. So, I seem to be losing my sense of self, and my strength and tenacity, and my creativity and brains, and my sense of humor and ability to feel love. I don't know just how to get out of this place. It is so debilitating and exhausting. Well, one step in front of the other, right? right! ##
02:04 AM - link - |
So, I stayed in bed this AM bordering on PM 'cuz my nightmare was so nasty and real feeling that I was too sad to wake up into the world my nightmare created. I had dreamt that Mom died and it is so lonely in this universe without her, hence my not wanting to come out of my sleep. I miss her terribly and hope she will be close to home so I can bring our new pussycat to her for her joy and love and more shared history before she is lost completely. So, there seems to be a theme pervading my treatments with Julie at Oriental Healing Arts, and with Marilyn...I'm grieving, big time. So, not such a surprise after all to have had this nightmare...and to my chagrin, the wall around my heart seems to be broken...so I cry a lot, and /or just feel heartbroken. It's too much feeling for too long of a time. Grief hurts and ends up in every aspect of my day. I can't describe the emptiness and ache and lower than low feeling about myself and life. Everything hurts...everything hurts...but there are moments with Bartholomew kitty that offer me a fullness in my heart for moments, and I can't thank Beverly enough for letting him into my life, her heart is just so huge and her empathy brilliant. Thank you so much my friend. ##
01:45 AM - link - |
He makes such a cute noise that is all him...sort of a errrrowl...it's like a growl and purr when he vocalizes. And his new trick is to climb the poles I have, hard wood polls! Whatta guy. Desert Lynx Rock! Zach and he chatter some, while Olivia still hisses...but methinks tomorrow we'll keep his door open all day, and let the world be his oyster. He has been such a joy and gem and smart and clever and cute and loving and just amazing.
 Cat Snap du Jour
01:20 AM - link - |
Arghhhh! color me confused.. er, just how can this be? Surely this is obvious to someone, but moi? color me amazed...check this out [if you dare]
 Kitten photo du jour
12:28 AM - link - |
For a displaced "back east" kinda gal such as myself, this is a neat gift to tickle one's fancy, I thought I'd share with y'all. I am in no way affiliated with the NYTimes, just a bit homesick [now if only they could offer changable plates for the double-crostic :
 "T" Toaster Stainless steel pop-up toaster features a removable logo plate that toasts The Times "T" onto your bread. Other features include seven heat settings, reheat and defrost buttons, and a slide-out crumb tray.
...hmmm, I wonder if they offer a year supply of NY bagels with that? [dare to dream] ##
04:01 AM - link - |
His name is Bartholomew, but methinks BartholoROAR is more appropriate! Beverly let me take him to be tested for feline leukemia, and he's healthy - so she let me take him home today. WOW! Beverly, another amazing feline from you. I knew a "Bev-cat" is special, but this guy -- he's outstanding, and I'm mesmerized and learning learning about "the wild". He doesn't mew, or whine, he meeeeeeeeOWWWWWSSS and it's loud and long and full open mouth. He is like Gordy, he doesn't do anything quiet . He also plays with pure capture and conquer -- he will not be a boy to use "soft mouth" when he hunts in the "cat house", but he's a lover too.
 snap by gordy
I don't know how long he'll be with us, as there are a lot of variables Bev and I have set up -- the good of the many outweigh the good of the few or one! Thank you Beverly for this time with him, if not longer. It has been a treat, and we'll take each day as it come. Meroar! ##
06:10 PM - link - |
"walk this way..."
Igor [prnounced Eye-gore] from "Young Frankenstien" [pronounced Steen] --
there's more!