This is really a hard reality week -- two things to share.... Yesterday I received a phone call from my Aunt Libby & Uncle Julian (two people that have been phenominally supportive and persistent in reaching out and "touching"...thank you tons dear ones). My cuz, Jim Lyon died early in the previous AM re: his cancer. I had lost his email addy, as well as Bobbie's (Roberta's), and last we heard, he was ill, so we (Mom & I) figured that Jimmy had already died, but to hear it again, and realize there are a bunch of days we could have communicated and didn't really really hits the soul hard! Jimmy was Dad's Sister's Son (Molly Gillman Lyon & "Unkie" Ira). He was a hoot, and I recall him wrassling with Jim G (my brother) and getting him really really frustrated and angry due to the discrepency in size and age. Jim G had no chance . Jimmy also gave me a bunch of 45's which really got me to hear Elvis. Jim ended up realizing his dream of being in law enforcement, he was a sheriff in a small town in Fla. We always knew Jimmy would end up a "delinquent" or a cop...;-). There is also lore about Mom being "TM" a trouble maker. When Jim first married Sandi, my mother sent him and "anonymous" Valentine, and he got in trouble with his new bride. Not long after he heard from Mom that it was her. Another Jim story, is that he was staying over, and his fav was apple pie. Mom made it for him, and asked how it was. Jim said, good, but not as good as his Mom's. so that was the last pie Mom EVER made for him . Jim will be sorely missed. The only "upside" to this, is that Libby gave me Betty's (Jim's wife) phone number, and from there I will be able to get in touch with Bobbi again. ----- The other big news is that Mom has reached a new level in her Alz. The big clue was on Wed., she was in the car with Kim while I went to Home Depot for a quickie, and Kim later told me that Mom actually forgot who Kim was. She was a stranger and that was BIG! Kim stayed calm, answered Mom's questions, and then soon after, she slid back in to her other reality where Kim is a known factor. The following days has had Mom shrieking in frustration and fear, and inability to retain anything more than a couple seconds, and her inability to function at all without a person at her side guiding her every step of the way. SHIT! Pardon my french, but dammit, it surely warrants it!!! She's going so damn quickly now. I can't lose her. MERDE!!! ##
10:17 AM - link - |
..And a bonus with Stacy Keach!!! What I'm referring to is the tasty morsel I watched last night on Sci Fi called "The Man With The Screaming Brain":
 [isn't this a GREAT DVD cover?]
I am a huge fan of Bruce Campbell, and while channel surfing last night, I found this jewel on the tube, & instantly called Gordy over to watch our "B-Movie Hero", always looking for the assorted cast regular's cameo, including the indefatigible Ted Raimi. Bruce co-wrote, and starred in this flick. It is his wonderful blend of copious gore, sprinkled with the obligitory three stooges knock offs, and jam packed with double entendres, puns and good humor we have come to expect and anticipate from a Bruce flick. "Screaming Brain" is essentially another twisted take on when man tries to play "god /des" by re-creating life from the dead; i.e. another take on the classic "Frankenstein". If you can, buy or rent this flick and have a good ride -- and if you are able, try to get Gordy to see it with you, he laughs so perfectly and heartily (but make sure you have closed caption turned on so that you read the dialogue that you miss when he gufaws over the audio ...). ##
06:08 PM - link - |
This is the first time I have read in Gordy's blog ANYTHING that relates to me and mine. I'm glad to see that there has been an impact on him -- one broad enough for him to take time to write about it, even if it's not a "happy" entry. So often I feel that I'm just the roof over his head and food in his belly -- so it's good to read some words that speak of my Mother. Thanks, I needed that -- honestly! elder care
I've been helping in the care for Zoe's mom, Gerry. She moved in with us almost a year ago with Alzheimer's. It's getting closer to the time she will need to move into assisted care living. She has become increasingly fearful, particularly at night. It's called sundowning. At times she doesn't remember that she lives here. She doesn't believe me when I tell her her bedroom is in the other room. When she goes in she sees her furniture and remembers. She remembers Zoe and I although, a couple of months ago, she woke up one morning and didn't know who I was. Her doctor adjusted her meds and things did get better. She becomes agitated when one of us leaves. Something in her world has changed and she doesn't know what and the fear increases. It has become more difficult to go down into the basement to work on projects like the darkroom since she becomes afraid when I am out. I can grab an hour or two in the morning but evenings are getting increasingly hard to do. It has given me an appreciation for what those who don't have family or can't afford medical care must go through. It's a nightmare that doesn't end. For me there is good news and bad news. The good news is that this will pass. The bad news is that this will pass. I get pretty maxed out at times but I'm not looking forward to her leaving. But all things do pass. It sucks.
01:17 AM - link - |
What a hoot! You absolutely must stop at this link if you want to be a part of the next mission to Pluto. Being associated with Christine Lavin's website, a fan, Judi, sent this to me for posting on her site. As you may know, Christine wrote a song, that actually changs as information keeps coming in, about Pluto. It has been honored in many ways -- check out Chris' website and you'll be blown away on just who and how they have honored her. But I digress, Judi wanted Chris' fans to hear about this an sign up ASAP if they are interested, and I did, and I signed up a few folk who don't have computer acess themselves, and printed out the certificate they give you!!! LOVE! Here's the link: http://pluto.jhuapl.edu/ecard You can sign a 75th birthday ecard that will be going to Pluto -- but you have to hurry -- the deadline is September 15th!" ##
12:19 PM - link - |
Long long ago, while I lived "back east", I found some wonderful books that have changed my life path, among them, I found Sun Bear. This is the first book I read of his.
 Black Dawn, Bright Day.
It struck me, as very powerful and a tad scary, but, to my then naieve self, the "millenium" was sooooo far away it was hard to take as viable, despite my mistrust of [our's most especially] government officials. We had our gas shortages (time for alternate power sources -- wind, solor, water), we made it through Viet Nam (no more losing our boys and girls to war, let alone an undeclared war, where we were not wanted) we know about the Ozone layer (and global warming ensuing and the cancers on our skin growing), we have learned, finally, and now my peers will be in charge soon. I believed that they would surely do the "right thing" and fix "it" before Sun Bear's worse prophecies could materialize. We are becoming enlightened, we are not fools, and my generation is so much more saavy and aware, right? . With the recent onset, and increasing intensity, of many natural, and unnatural crises [eliminating "Mother Earth's Parasites i.e. humans], and, as I write this entery, "Katrina" coupled with the [not yet declared war in Iraq], I am curious to see just how accurate the predictions were [as a personal aside, around a few months ago, our resident eagles were missing for a long while, and whales have been grounding themselves again, and there are nightly Coyote howlings on my little island. I couldn't help recall that this was one of the portents Sun Bear spoke of, [re: huge changes afoot]. Recently the Eagles have returned, and I see flowers peek their heads out despite the droughts, sporadically, and I can only hope that they are letting us know that if we "do the right things" we still may have a good chance of turning things around. If you've not read any of Sun Bear's works, I really suggest you try this one. The local library is sure to have a copy, or be able to access one if you don't want to invest. At worse, this book is written beautifully with the late great Sun Bear's voice and wit, and at best, it's a hopeful warning. FWIW, I'm going to peruse my shelves and /moving boxes right now for a reread myself. ## PS -- Just noticed I had good taste way back when -- it has Elisabeth Kubler-Ross' seal of approval!
01:39 PM - link - |
Saturday September 3 2005
Just a thought that passed my mind as I'm soaking this news in and listening to the "spin doctors" ... he had thyroid cancer and was really ill this past year, and it was mentioned that now that his wife was dead, and he was alone, he only had his "job" as Chief Justice -- well, cancer huts, and the treatments probably hurt even MORE...so this man had to be on pain medicine!!! And, here he is, on pain medicine making National Law!!! This is so selfish and irresponsible for him to do, and anyone else who knew what he was feeling, and what Rx he was taking...SHAME ON THEM! ## PS scary to overhear that Bush's plan has been to put young people who will serve on the Supreme Court for a LONG time. This is not good...shivers.........
08:25 PM - link - |
New Member of Supreme Court Brings More Than Just One Vote New Member of Supreme Court Brings More Than Just One Vote By LINDA GREENHOUSE Published: September 4, 2005 WASHINGTON, Sept. 3 - "Every time a new justice comes to the Supreme Court, it's a different court," Justice Byron R. White liked to say, and he had reason to know. During a tenure of 31 years, he saw the arrival of 13 new colleagues. Each one, he said, made the court "a new instrument."
08:20 PM - link - |
Sun Bear Was Right... just a few years off! Just heard on CNN -- not even on the web yet... Latest world catastrophe is Rehnquist died. Dammit. ##
08:16 PM - link - |
PSA -- Emergency Voicemail For Victims of Katrina [Information from my fellow Co-Cure Moderators Follows...]
Air America Public Voicemail 1-866-217-6255
Air America Radio's Public Voicemail is a way for disconnected people to communicate in the wake of Katrina. Here's how it works: Call the toll-free number 1-866-217-6255, enter your everyday phone number, and then record a message. Other people who know your everyday phone number (even if it doesn't work anymore) can call Emergency Voicemail, enter the phone number they associate with you, and hear your message.
You can also search for messages left by people whose phone numbers you know. Air America Radio will leave Public Voicemail in service for as long as this crisis continues. You can call it whenever you are trying to locate someone, or if you are trying to be found. Obviously, for this to work, people need to know about it so please forward the number to as many people as you can. You can find out more about Katrina and the affected areas at http://www.airamericaradio.com/katrina. Air America Radio brings you Emergency VoiceMail in conjunction with VoodooVox. Also, if you're looking for a way to help personally, MoveOn.org Civic Action, formerly known as MoveOn.org, launched a new web site yesterday, http://hurricanehousing.org asking its 3.3 million members and the public to post any available housing for the thousands of people left homeless by Hurricane Katrina. The organization will directly connect evacuees with volunteer hosts, and also provide the housing information to the Red Cross and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). ##
11:53 PM - link - |
"walk this way..."
Igor [prnounced Eye-gore] from "Young Frankenstien" [pronounced Steen] --
there's more!